Second Step

Second Step Weekly Family Communications

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Our aim is to keep families engaged throughout the year with lesson-by-lesson summaries and prompts to reinforce learning at home.

6th Grade Lesson 2: How to Grow Your Brain


 In this week’s lesson, your child will learn about the brain’s ability to grow and

change when they practice challenging things. Having a growth mindset supports your child’s success in school and in life.


Tell your child about a time you had to learn something new. Explain whether it was hard to learn and how you learned it. Ask your child if there’s anything they would like to learn to do this year

7th Grade Lesson 2: Creating New Pathways in Your Brain


 In this week’s lesson, your child will learn that intelligence is not fixed; their brain actually makes new connections, and their skills and abilities develop when they practice difficult things.


Tell your child about a time you had to learn something challenging and explain how

you persisted in learning it. Ask your child if there’s anything they would like to learn to do this year.

8th Grade Lesson 2: Who Am I? My Identity


In this week’s lesson, your child will learn that their identity is complex. They will create an identity map that names unique and important aspects of their identity


Share your response to the following questions with your child. Then have your child and any additional family members share their responses.

1. Who am I?

2. What are the most important aspects of my identity and why?


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